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Self-Measured Blood Pressure /SMPB
Automated Office Blood Pressure / AOBP
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Measurement
Hiding In Plain Sight Protocol / HIPS
Tobacco Cessation
Tobacco Use
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Proper Blood Pressure Measurement
Use the report from your EHR to contact patients who need to be evaluated for potential hypertension. The following steps can be taken:
If, after further evaluation, hypertension is not confirmed, these steps should be considered
Use a validated blood pressure monitoring device
Enroll patients in the Self-Measured Blood Pressure (SMBP) program
Identify a Tobacco Cessation Practice Champion
Configure EHR
Tobacco Cessation Clinical Workflow
If a patient is “Hiding in Plain Sight” and screens positive for hypertension, it means they have been unknowingly living with high blood pressure.
Generate a patient list from your EHR
Implement a Blood Pressure Measurement competency program
Implementing a "Hiding in Plain Sight" Protocol
Train patients on proper home blood pressure measurement techniques
Tobacco Cessation Intervention
Implementing a Self-measured Blood Pressure (SMBP) Program
Repeat BP measurement to confirm the accuracy and diagnosis of hypertension
Tracking Reports
Identify Target Patient Populations
Design and implement an SMBP protocol