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Generate a patient list from your EHR
Using existing EHR reporting options, run a report of your “total patient population”, flagging patients with 2 or more elevated blood pressure readings over the prior 3 years and no diagnosis of hypertension. Consider implementing these steps:
- Open the reporting module or dashboard within your EHR system where custom reports can be created. Select patient population criteria and choose the conditions for your report (e.g., primary care visit in the last three years and two or more elevated blood pressure readings). These criteria will identify the target population.
- Specify the time range for the report. Set it to capture patients who had a primary care visit within the last three years.
- Determine the specific data elements you want to include in the report, including patient demographics, visit details, diagnoses, and blood pressure readings.
- Define the threshold for elevated blood pressure readings in your report. This will establish that patients with two or more high blood pressure readings are included in the criteria you selected. (e.g., Systolic blood pressure >140, Diastolic blood pressure >90)
- Run the report based on the defined criteria and data elements. The EHR will analyze existing patient data and generate the report according to your specifications.
- Once generated, filter out patients with an existing hypertension diagnosis.
- With these steps complete, you will have a list of active patients with existing EHR data that suggests possible hypertension but no such diagnosis.

Undiagnosed Hypertension Partner Toolkit
Patients with Undiagnosed Hypertension (Hiding in Plain Sight)